An extra-ordinary performer - uniquely designed for High Performance application. It comes with 5 years warranty. Made with special grade of Lead alloy, offering highest resistance to corrosion and remarkable performace at high ambient temperature. Can be used in homes, offices, shops and other areas with high back-up requirement.
Warranty: 36(Free of cost) + 24(Pro-rata) * Months Capacity: 135 Ah Shakti Charge is one of India's most trusted batteries. It is an ideal choice for areas with long power-cuts at higher frequency and comes with fast charging and enhanced warranty period of 5 years. Its Tall Tubular design calls for Higher Performance and longer Back-up hours.
Warranty: 36(Free of cost) + 24(Pro-rata) * Months | Capacity: 150 Ah Shakti Charge is one of India's most trusted batteries. It is an ideal choice for areas with long power cuts at higher frequency. It comes with fast charging and an enhanced warranty period of 5 years. Its Tall Tubular design calls for Higher Performance and longer Back-up hours.